October 17, 2024

This has been an interesting, challenging and deceitful election year.  Interesting because we have never witnessed an election cycle like this before in the history of our country.  Challenging because the leftist news media has presented to the American people such a mountain of disinformation and out and out lies that it has become a taxing daily event to shuffle the truth from the lies.  Deceitful because Kamala Harris and those in her campaign have deceived the American people by trying to have her change her thoughts about illegals, crime, and  to talk about her “rise” to offices in California.  She cheated Californians by receiving “jobs” only because she was the mistress of the mayor of San Francisco.  She had no qualifications to hold any office.  The question arises, who should we vote for?  Abortion, illegal aliens, education and preserving the Constitution are the four main reasons all Christians and all people should vote for Trump.

Abortion has been the cause of over 50 million deaths over the last 50 years.  50 million innocent lives taken.  High schools and college courses have been teaching over the years that babies are not really babies – they are a lump of cells, so the mother is not really causing a death.  This disinformation is part of the Democrat misleading falsehoods taught to unknowing students.  Abortion has been part of the Democrat party platform for decades.  This notion of killing babies was first approved at the baby’s inception, then abortions increased in number as Democrat operatives convinced the public that they were  acceptable at 12 weeks after doctors could hear a heartbeat, and now the Democrats want women to abort their babies at the last trimester.  The excuse is “women have the right to do what they want to their own bodies.”  Unbelievably, now they are ok with letting the baby die after birth.  This is insanity.  These are God’s children who have a right to life, are innocent of any wrong doing, did not ask to be “an accident of birth” by someone who slept with the latest date of the month.  The mother and the father are to blame for this atrocity.  This week President Clinton presented the ridiculous thought that the U.S. needs illegals in this country because the birth rate is low.  So, he approved of abortions of American babies, and now tells us that it is good to have illegals come into the country to correct the problem he helped perpetuate.  Insanity.

That leads to the second reason Christians and all citizens should vote for Trump.  Biden opened the borders to folks from other countries to flood into the United States.  We are up to somewhere between 16 million to 21 million people who should not be here.  Not only that, our “wonderful” Biden is giving $2500 of my money, your money, hard-working American’s money to these illegals, flying them all around the country on my money, your money, and paying for them to have a place to live.  The monthly federal jobs report of new workers looks good, but what is not told to us is that the a large percent of those numbers are illegals and should not be part of the report.   An official record now tells us that approximately 480,000 criminal illegals, terrorists are now in our country. Guiltless Americans have been killed by people who should be in jail and fentanyl deaths are higher than ever.  Democrats approve and applaud illegals.  Just in the last two months, Senator Mike Lee of Utah tried to have Congress pass a law that illegals cannot vote,  the Senate under the leadership of a Democrat voted it down.  Are we facing an election decided by illegals?

Number three reason is education.  I don’t need to say more than WOKE to tell you of the mess education and schools are in under Democrat leadership.  By the way, who is leading the country?  We never hear much about Biden any more and what he is doing.  Kamala is out campaigning, so who is taking care of business?  The Democrats.   Anyway, back to education.  Schools now teach that children do not need to inform or even ask their parents about getting a life-altering operation, do not need to tell their parents about becoming trans,  and schools do not need to tell parents what is being taught in the classrooms, parents are terrorists.  All this from the Democrats.  Student scores are lower now than ever before.  People will say it was because of Covid and schools were closed.  That was another brilliant Democrat idea. NOT!  Schools did not have to be closed because the states that did not close the schools, did fine.  Children were not the problem of those who contracted Covid.  Now we are getting a more dumbed down generation.  They are coming a generation of people who easily follow the lies of the Democrats.

Fourth, the Constitution is hanging by a thread.  We are losing our Constitutional rights.  Both John Kerry and Hillary Clinton (both Democrats) have recently told us that freedom of speech is getting in the way of the government telling us what “they” want us to know.  So this election is extremely important about whether we will have any rights in the future.  Harris wants to have price control (this is to solve the inflation she and Biden caused). Did you know that this a Communist idea – price control?  Control the prices, control the people.  This is not what we need!  Biden did not abide by the law, and his responsibility as president by opening the borders.  He should have been impeached, but since the Democrats controlled Congress this never happened.

These four reasons, hopefully, should or might be enough to convince you to vote for Trump.  He has been strong.  He led America to new heights in freedom and employment and autonomy.  We did well with him as president when he was in office.  We have to ask ourselves, why are the Democrats working so hard to undermine him?  Answer, because he will put a halt to all they want to do to destroy the Constitution.  I am an average American, born in Los Angeles, and now live in Utah.  I’m a Christian, teacher, mother, grandmother, divorced.  I am calling on all Christians and all people to vote, and vote for Trump.